There is no ‘I’ in team. GitHub has further proven this point by establishing a platform for software engineers to come together in an attempt to increase productivity and deliver project updates real-time.
GitHub is a code hosting platform for version control and collaboration. It lets you and others work together on projects from anywhere. Working with GitHub enables activity from each team member, and tracks deliverables.
Now, we’ll discuss GitHub essentials like repositories, branches, commits, and pull request in relation to teamwork.
Repository: A repository is a functional local copy that makes collaboration with other developers possible, both online and offline. It serves as a central location where all the data is stored.
We usually work towards a goal, and sometimes, we need other people’s assistance to achieve the required set goal. There are authorities we often answer to, and we discover that doing our own part of the work, no matter how little, contributes towards something greater.
Clone: Making an exact copy of what is on the repository to your local computer.
Before jumping into a task, it is necessary to understand and decipher the work to be done.
Commit: When a code is committed, a new version is created in your local repository, it allows you keep track of every change made, when and by who. It usually contains a commit message describing the development that had taken place.
Effective communication is an essential skill for success.
Even after working on a task, it is necessary for the commit message to be as clear and concise as possible. This can be achieved by ensuring everyone is well-equipped with soft skills such as listening, teamwork, problem-solving and leadership before the start of the project.
Push: Uploading the work carried out in the local repository to the central location
Pull request: After changes have been made on the local repository, a pull request has to be made in order for the team lead to confirm the changes made and “merge” it with the remain repository
When a pull request is created, the team lead should rebuke and commend accomplishments when necessary,
Fetch: Gets the latest update from the local repository.
When working with a team, it is important for each individual to leverage on his/her strength, it is much easier for the team to proceed that way. It adequately compensates for other members’ weaknesses.
Learning to successfully work in a team is not always a smooth ride, it takes conscious time and effort to accomplish, this is where the team lead brings in his/her leadership skills, by engaging members in team building exercises, which help in establishing a covalent bond.
The advantages of teamwork certainly outweigh its disadvantages. It creates a synergistic approach to work towards a greater good. Properly managed, it maximizes rewards, strengths and brings out the best in each member. It goes without saying, two heads are better than one. During brainstorming sessions, everyone gets to contribute his/her own unique opinion which eventually compliments each other.
It further encourages multi-disciplinary work across organizations, provides a sense of enthusiasm, builds trust, teaches conflict resolution amongst others.
In the end, we realize that we have always been involved in a team, albeit consciously or not, we have helped each other grow and we’re all occupying our individual niches in the universe.
Rafiat Aminu