A hackathon is a programming event that lasts a certain duration; from as little as an hour to as long as a week. It consists of a group of programmers working collaboratively on a project usually aimed at solving real-life problems. Various teams consisting of designers, programmers, product managers and other key players in the tech industry compete to provide innovative approach on a theme of choice or improve on an existing project.
Although traditionally associated with programming, hacking has been taken up by scientists, resource developers in a bid to solve problems as well.
Hackathons are usually organized by tech organizations for a number of reasons:
1. Teamwork and Networking: Contributing to the successful completion of a task is rewarding, tasks are achieved at a quicker rate when experts in their individual fields come together to provide optimum value to a project. A hackathon also provides an opportunity to meet people with similar skills, which in the long run, could help you upskill.
2. Research: Hackathons are designed to make an individual go the extra mile to find the different approaches toward solving problems.
3. Talent Acquisition: Companies may hover at hackathons to locate new talent; you may be their next employee.
4. Create new concepts and ideas: The purpose of a hackathon is to provide solution, therefore, different teams will come up with innovative prospects which may intrigue an organization to adopt the prototypic version of the solution and bring it to life.
It is important to note that participants may not necessarily solve real life problems, however, a hackathon will provide valuable user insight, and serve as a training session to come up with prototypes which may eventually lead to solving actual problems.
So, when next you see a hackathon announcement, do not hesitate to opt in, you may be birthing a new startup.